OK! So, after saying for years that I wanted to start blogging, I finally have! I thought, seeing as I have finally graduated, this was probably the best time and only chance I had to do it. I am new to this, so I'm trying to figure out all the little bits that come along with it. This Blog, is hopefully a chance for me to share everything that is going on in my life and the world around me. Ideally, when I become more experienced, more can be shared.
Currently, what is getting me through the summer, is the thought of Festivals! So many to choose from, and not enough time or money to do them all. If you're like me and constantly broke, due to spending all you money on clothes and going out, then you know exactly how it feels. Although there are a few that I will certainly be going to! Whether I have to beg, borrow or steal my way there. If you're not a keen camper, then don't worry! There are so many day festivals this summer that there is literally no excuse, to go to at least one! I have three main festivals that are on my "To Do" list; Eastern Electrics Festival, Mifest, and of course the mighty Bestival. Right now, the thought of these are keeping me going!